I contemplated which blog to post this in, and decided it has to go in here.
I have this untamed imaginative mind which sometimes run real wild. Imaginative doesn’t warrant to being creative though.
I had spent an extensive amount of time, and effort to build the present cart, since the program is a lot more complicated than standard html which I had previously used to build my webstore, the self-confidence level dipped too. On the very night that I have officially bring the cart to ‘live’ status, I had a dream, somewhat interesting.
I dreamt of my little critters running in a pac man game set, they ran all over the places, stopped at some corners, then ran again. I had a hard time catching up with them. I reckoned I didn’t feel 100% certain that I had them in the right places in the cart, hence the dream.
A very good friend of mine, Sheri, had her daughter wrote to me ‘reporting’ on her post-surgery of her hand. Seriously, I should really be more empathetic with her situation, but I was laughing out really loud when I read the email. Her daughter told me that Sheri who had a cast on her hand kept hitting herself times and times over. She didn’t dare to laugh even though it looked really comical, until Sheri laughed first.
I couldn’t help it too, I had the images flowed through my mind (free-flow) as though she was wearing a robot arm and the arm kept hitting on her face uncontrollably. Sheri is an amazing woman, I tell you. She would create humor in the worst situation in life, so, she is not upset at my laughing at all.
Today, Lynda told me something about her mixed up schedule, and immediately the imagination went wild. I had the images in mind that a uber stylish girl cladded in her very stylo eye glasses, and looking really good… The hilarious part was that the girl in the image was wearing the strangest expression on her face and a huge question mark hanging above her head (try to visualize it in the comic way). I shall not share the contents, but it was more of the ‘outcome’.
It was really funny when you entertain some humorous thoughts in mind. At that point of time, I wished I could draw better. I used to sketch out my imagination, and sometimes, they just turn out really zoned-out, but amazingly pleasant.
Desire is a strange thing, it may motivate you to strive harder to achieve your desires; it may also deter your progress, it all depends on how you manage these desires.
I have been wanting to get one of this, but the price is a deterring factor. Then, I try to strike a balance between my desires and needs, almost a reality check. Perhaps when I find a niche in my illustration, the desire may just become a need, and that should justify the investment.
Then, I managed to convince myself to compromise for a mid range series instead. I really won’t need a A3 wide screen tablet, I need my workspace for other work. Hey, this is a more affordable price for me.
See, many a times, when justifying an investment, it’s pretty much the ‘egg and chicken’ theory, especially useful for business.
If we just wait for the ‘demand’ to grow before we invest into a new ‘toy’, the demand may never grow at all. Since there is no progress or new innovation in your creations, why would we be expecting miracles? I mean, at least if we pull off some fantastic marketing strategies to expose our products/services, otherwise, how hopeful is it to have a sudden demand? It does happen, but in a more realistic setting, the chances are slim.
However, if we invest into something that is not going to cost us an arm or leg, at least we start something off, and there is better chance to attract either the same group (who didn’t love our products that wonderfully) or a larger and varied group of audiences.
It’s so easy and convenient for us to pick out one excuse card from the whole deck of ‘excuse’, ‘reasons’, ‘factors’, or whatever you call it (you get the drift?) cards, just so that we don’t take up the challenge which we think may be less easy.
It is almost like.. having a hi-tech stereo sound system at home. With simple pressing of some buttons on the remote control, you get to adjust the surround sound, more treble, less bass etc, anyway and anytime you want. That convenience comes with a price tag that not everyone can afford. Does it mean we can’t enjoy better sound system at all?
Alright, so we can get the mid range speakers, wired them up ourselves. Then, that comes with several remote controls, or no remote controls at all. We will have to physically and manually go to the devices and tune it, then go back and forth to the best sitting position to test out the best sound receiving.
Sure, I would love the first option, but if I am not ready to burn a hole in my pocket, perhaps option 2 will just do fine for the present need. Now, we can say, we will ‘upgrade’ the system when there is higher demand. (say, if we are able to create better with better tuned music? which helps to fetch better responses towards our works? I don’t know, hey, this is just a metaphor!)
It’s a little extreme when we have this ultimatum nagging at us.. ‘either best of nothing’. What gets done eventually?
You already guessed it, I am writing such a super duper long post, just to justify my new investment in plan…LOL.. Who says blogging is just for marketing? Who says we can’t make use of blogging to self-counsel our guilt senses? Blogging is for any purposes.
The post The imaginative mind appeared first on saplanet originals™.